Implementation and analysis of trademark searches
Before filing a new trademark and/or before starting to use a new trademark (either in your home country or abroad) you should perform a trademark search in order to check if there are older trademark rights that might be an obstacle for your trademark application and/or for using the trademark in the country concerned.
Our services include searching the following databases for pending trademark applications and trademark registrations being in force:
- German trademarks being published by the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO),
- International trademark registrations being published by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO),
- European union trademarks being published by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and
- National or regional trademarks in other countries being published by trademark offices in the European Union or in other countries.
Our search does not only include searching for a term exactly as it is spelled, but also searching for similar terms.
Depending on your choice, we provide our report of the search result either with or without our legal opinion. If you choose to receive the report with our opinion, we provide you with a detailed analysis and assessment of the legal situation. Our analysis does not only consider the classes of the goods and services to be compared, but also the specific goods and services listed in the respective classes. Our assessment of the legal situation is provided to the best knowledge of the searching attorney with respect to the relevant case law of the GPTO, the German courts, the EUIPO and the competent European courts.