Dr. Oliver Hartkorn, Dipl.-Phys., German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Trademark and Design Attorney

Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Hartkorn


German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney


Location: Wiesbaden

T.: +49 (0) 611-99174-0


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You want to conquer the market or defend your existing market power? With the right strategy regarding patents, trademarks and designs you will be able to do so. We will be glad to assist you – with maximum honesty – and passionate dedication for your goals.

Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Hartkorn

Technical expertise

  • Physics
  • Software and data processing
  • Control engineering
  • Packaging technology
  • Ultrasound processing
  • Optics and optoelectronics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Space technology

More on our technical expert

Legal expertise

  • Patent and utility model applications
  • Patent grant procedures
  • Opposition proceedings
  • Nullity proceedings
  • Patent infringement proceedings
  • Law of employee inventions
  • Law of design

More on our legal expertise

Professional career

  • Studies of physics and geophysics in Mainz, Tokyo (Japan) and Cologne
  • Dissertation: Modeling Callisto’s Ionosphere, Airglow and Magnetic Field Environment
  • Training as a patent attorney in Wiesbaden, Mannheim and Munich
  • German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Trademark and Design Attorney since 2020
  • Partner at WSL since 2022